New Hospital Equipment

06 April, 2015 Canada, Greater Toronto Area, World, Health Care
Donation : / $100,000.00 DONATE NOW

Help the us provide funds to hospitals and community health centres that are in need of life-saving equipment and improved infrastructure.

SICF will distribute your donations across the following benefactors, according to present organization initiatives, and needs.

Canadian Cancer Society

This organization is the largest national charitable funder of cancer research in Canada.

Canadian Hearts and Hands

Creates community-based solutions  abroad that cover health, education, and social support services. Their goal is to create changes that last, by providing a helping hand, not a handout.

Canadian Red Cross

The Canadian Red Cross’ mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.

Heart and Stroke Foundation

The Heart and Stroke Foundation is one of Canada’s largest and most effective health charities. Over the last 60 years they have invested more than $1.39 billion in heart and stroke research, making us the largest contributor in Canada after the federal government. In that time, the death rate from heart disease and stroke has declined by more than 75 per cent.

Hospital for Sick Children

The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) is a health-care community dedicated to improving the health of children. Their  mission is to provide the best in family-centred, compassionate care, to lead in scientific and clinical advancement, and to prepare the next generation of leaders in child health.

Ontario Association of Food Banks

This organization is actively working towards a hunger-free Ontario, strengthening communities in Ontario by providing food banks with food, resources, and solutions to address hunger.

 The Princess Margaret Hospital

Part of the University Health Network, The Princess Margaret Hospital is working to “Conquer cancer in our lifetime”, through caring, learning and finding the answers.

The University Healthcare Network (UHN)

Operating in Toronto, the UHN is a clinical healthcare and medical research organization. Owning four major research centres and hospitals, they endeavour to achieve a global impact by providing exemplary patient care, research and education.

Trillium Health Centre Foundation

Serving the communities of Mississauga and West Toronto, Trillium Health Partners Foundation’s “mission is to inspire our community to invest in a new kind of health care for a healthier community”.

 William Osler Health System

Providing exemplary health care at Brampton Civic Hospital, Etobicoke General Hospital, and the new Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness (currently under construction), WOHS services over 1.3 million people. This is one of the most culturally-rich, ethnically diverse and fastest-growing areas in Canada.


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